pine soot ink, pine resin, inkstone, glass
The White, Tokyo
Photo ; Ikuhisa Sawada

Installation views
Installation ; The White, Tokyo 2019
This artwork consists of several cubes arranged in a gallery.
Put black ink in a pine resin bucket installed on a glass plate, ink leaks slowly from the cracks, and when it dries, an imaginary topographic map appears.
The pine soot ink is dismantled throughout the artwork, filling the space with the fragrance contained in the ink and returning as pine tree particles.
This cube symbolizes a well and is based on the cube that is actually used in the Noh stage performance “Izutsu(The well)”.
The title "topoanalyse" was quoted from Gaston Bachelard's book "The Poetics of Space".
The ink map changed day by day, and I was able to observe the changes in the imaginary topographic map.